I want to start off by saying thank you to everyone for sharing our HS Navigator Young Scholar Summer Internship program with others! We got an overwhelming response and had to close the registration in just 10 days after receiving more than 150 applications. We had planned earlier to only offer the internship to around […]
Author: meharj03
HS Navigator Young Scholar Program
The HS Navigator Young Scholars Program strives to engage academically talented students with a strong desire to pursue careers in computer science and related areas. The program incorporates a lecture series, research exposure experiences, and networking opportunities. Participants will also get the chance to work on live projects on a variety of latest CS and […]
Just recently, I received a letter fromย Denise Wilkerson, a New Jersey Councilwoman-at-Large and Council President, who I joined at a live presentation in Roselle School District. She invited me to present HS Navigator to the counselors and students there early last year. It was an amazing opportunity, and I was glad to have the opportunity […]
Leadership Teams!
Hey everyone! While the end of High School Senior year is still months away, I as founder of HS Navigator still want to continue HS Navigator past my high school career, and so it is also time to transition some of the responsibilities to new team members. We are glad to announce that we are […]
National Merit Scholarship – Finalist
Thanks to all for your feedback on the last few posts, and for those of you who reached out to us as well for your valuable suggestions! This week I wanted to share some good news I got from my school, which is that I became a finalist in the 2021 National Merit Program! this […]
HS Navigator – Providing Summer Internship
Thank you all for your feedback and guidance on my last few posts! As my high school experience is coming to an end, and my college experiences are starting, Iโll be sure to reflect with you all about my experiences and journey soon. During this pandemic time, lots of students are missing summer program due […]
New Feature – Deadline Reports
We have recently added a lot of new programs to our website atย hsnavigator.org. Through the URL, you can find programs that have deadlines in the next 7 days. Also, sharing feature to check for programs with a deadline ending in Current month or next 30 days You can also add all other filters available on […]
HS Navigator Listed across Multiple HS website
Thanks to your feedback, and also sharing the website with your students or departments, I have gotten so much aid and motivation to continue to help students plan their summers and school year opportunities. Moreover HS Navigator is now listed on various High School Websites across the country
HS Navigator – Free Summer Program Counselling
I want to share another update, specifically dealing with the free counseling service I mentioned in my last post. What I want to accomplish with this service is to help students who aren’t able to finalize or find summer programs to match their needs find opportunities that suit them. There is still a lot of […]
HS Navigator Search are up-to-date
As I mentioned in my last post, so far, the dates for over 4000 opportunities on HS Navigator have been updated 2 weeks back and are regularly checked to update incoming summer date as been published/available on the corresponding website. However, the pandemic situation changes each day. Below, I created a graph that displays the […]