New Translate Feature and Updates
Hello, everyone! I know it has been a little while since the last blog post, however with the COVID-19 outbreak and accommodating myself to online learning and quarantine, I have been a bit busy. With this newfound time, though, I have continued to work on HSNavigator, and I am excited to bring you a new feature with many more to come! The feature I have added, as you may have noticed while reading this post, is the ability to translate a webpage! Below I have attached some screenshots showing off the tool, and how to get access to it:
After my meeting in Roselle, as well as communications with counselors across the country, a lot of them requesting new features for accessibility, in order to promote this tool to all who wish to use it. I know for a lot of people within the United States, English is not the first language and thus they struggle to find opportunities for themselves. Thus, I wanted to ensure my tool was available and easy to access to individuals from all lingual backgrounds! The website is now able to translate into a multitude of languages, and all pages can be translated, from the home page and tool page to the blog, contact, and about pages as well. As these weeks continue, I plan to add new data for several different groups, such as those with learning disabilities and minority-specific programs as well! As always thank you all for your feedback, and I plan to continue to update the website so feel free to contact me with suggestions!