High Response – HS Navigator Young Scholar Program

I want to start off by saying thank you to everyone for sharing our HS Navigator Young Scholar Summer Internship program with others! We got an overwhelming response and had to close the registration in just 10 days after receiving more than 150 applications. We had planned earlier to only offer the internship to around 50 students, but with the great response we decided to open it up to a much wider amount of students, around 125-150. Below, I have attached some of the analytical data we got, showing the spread of our applicants across grades and states, which is great to see the reach of our site even beyond our home state of NJ! Also, interestingly, a majority of our applicants were from grade 10, with a pretty normal distribution amongst the others. We sent acceptance and decision letters to all selected applicants and will check for any waitlisted later in the month of June.

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