Updates to the Database and Website
Recently, I got in contact with counselors within my school and some fellow students, and one of the main requests they had was to increase the amount of local New Jersey opportunities available. Previously, the data was mainly spread out around colleges across the country, but I decided to add a lot more local opportunities for those in my school and in neighboring districts as well.

As you can see above, the amount of New Jersey and local opportunities has drastically increased over the last week, and I hope the new opportunities and listings can help a lot of you out with finding programs for the summer and school year.
Additionally, as requested, I also modified the filters in order to add a filter by grade, currently only from 9-12 grade. I plan to add more opportunities and expand the range, but a majority of programs available are for high school students of all ages. Thank you all for your feedback, and I plan to continue to update the website so feel free to contact me with suggestions!